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Just bought this because of Zachary had to show me it...
The park had lots of transport rides. I want to say 3. A monorail, skyride, and a train. I have pictures of all of them somewhere on my computer.
Coaster Dynamix* I have one of those as well. I also have one of the functional roller coaster models. But that's broke...

Anyways, it seems there is less and less of these on the shelf every year, I'd get my hands on one before they're all gone.
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1 of 40 people to own one of these!

I spoke with the Director of Merchandise and he stated that right now they only plan to sell these through online pre-orders. There is roughly 20 left the last I had heard.

If they still have a few left after Memorial Day, then they might consider selling them in the store, but will not sell anymore past 40.
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Im asking for the full pin set for a graduation gift :3

I recently bought a 1997 map on ebay. Would be awesome if I could collect all them, but that'd be next to impossible. I wish the park would sell reprint this year or a whole book that has the maps on each page. Would buy.

I am a Goodwill shopper- I recently learned that KD has donated all their remaining merch from last season to the store. I have found KD bags, keychains, pens, shirts, and other merch there for relativity cheap. So if youre passing by a goodwill, check it out.
How do you get those Offical Collection sets again?;-P I know you pick up at the park but there is no information on the parks website. Info would be appreciated, thanks!
If you're referring to the case with every pin, I think the park has already sold all of them. You can try contacting them, but I think they said a while back that they were down to just a few left. My guess would be they took the page down on their website because they are all gone now. :(
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I think the easiest thing to do would be to email or ask on their Facebook page. If you'd rather call, I would just use their usual number. Good luck!
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Commenting is disabled on the Facebook at this moment.

I looked into it, and you can still purchase this online. You buy it online and print off the voucher and show it to the attendants at the register and they will go back and get your collectors set.

Derek told me that if they still had some left after Memorial Day, then they would consider selling them in-stores instead of online only. I'm not sure if this is the case, but you can buy online and find out.
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The dead bats are disgusting and frankly disturbing. I have to say whoever is in charge of merc at KD is, bat shit crazy. (see what I did there?)
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