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Sep 10, 2012
Friday, May 10th, 2013 ~ 8PM - 10PM
Pass Member Ride Night: OktoberFest

Anybody planning on meeting up for two hours of special time (or earlier)?
I said previously I would be riding the trams in a circle, but that agenda is subject to change. My daughter will not be with me on this night. Maybe a game of "Mario Kart" with the big bumper cars? I call Bowser!! :cool:
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I will definitely be there, sans children! Leaving straight from work to the park! Might even leave work early...I'm a rebel like that. I think a round of BGWFans Mario Kart sounds like a plan!

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How about a meet-up time and place? That way- we can make sure we all have time to join up and meet each other?
OK, how about the Le SCOOT at 7:30pm for a relaxing ride through the flumes. :evilgrin:
Then walking over to OktoberFest to check out whatever is open:
-Bumper Cars
-Pretzel Shop
Maybe someone can win me one of those big fluffy toys at games I suck at. lol

I mean for my daughter. Yeah...
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Sounds good to me.. except I'll be waving on the bridge at Le Scoot. Have fun in the nasty water. Bleh. I'll wait for you guys after the ride is over.
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Not to PRESSURE you or anything, but...
Nora said:
I will however, if really pressured, cave and ride Le Scoot. I cannot help it. It was my first "Big Kid" ride at the park and I have fond memories riding it with my grandparents. For that reason alone.. I will feel nostalgic and deal with that nasty water smell that clings to your clothes all day.
pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure
pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure
pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure
pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure
(^ this is Nora "under pressure"):p
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Reactions: Planeteer and Nora
ARRRGH! You guys are horrible. Shame on you and your peer pressure tactics. Remind me to never drink the cool-aid on this forum. :p
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Reactions: chickenking
I will probably come to this event (though it might be a short visit).
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