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$3.15 if you're a pass member! It was kind of amazing the difference having the cup of nectar made. I had lorikeets sitting on my hand drinking and a cuckoo on my shoulder. Although the cuckoo will get on you whether you have the nectar or not, he is apparently SUPER affectionate.
The cuckoo used to be incredibly shy, and the employees in the house would always tell people not to try and get the cuckoo's attention because it was too scared of people. That changed about a year ago when it landed on a person right next to me and then hopped on my shoulder and down onto my hand. The employees were actually very stunned about the whole thing because the bird never got within 3 feet of a person for over 4 years.

Here's a picture:
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Anyone know when they'll have this open again??

Been dying to have my kids experience this for the first time, but so far this year, every time we've gone, it was closed. Busy day or not.... :(
Some advice for this attraction especially for those with little kids.

Do not look up at the birds with your mouth agape! I've witnessed two little girls (at separate times) get a little "gift" dropped into their mouths. Their faces were buried in the sink under the faucet for minutes after that! LOL
Unagi said:
Some advice for this attraction especially for those with little kids.

Do not look up at the birds with your mouth agape! I've witnessed two little girls (at separate times) get a little "gift" dropped into their mouths. Their face was buried in the sink under the faucet for minutes after that! LOL

Ha ha ha. I mean, poor girls.
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Tropical birds can have issues with cold, and there are lots of behind the scenes animal facilities at the park.

While the idea of letting the birds stay in the aviary all summer is not impossible, I don't know for sure.
Bring them all out soon, because for those of us who live in Richmond/WM'burg area know, Spring has a funny way of turning into Summer in a big damn hurry....

I can't wait to see my kids experience being with those birds for the first time! I'll pay for the overpriced nectar...Just let me get some pics of my kids that I can have forever, right? :)
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