[split] Little Nessie
This was my photo of my brother and me on the ride. But what I can recall (granted I was about 2 years old at the time) was that it was went around and around (very fast), it was small, and had slight ups and downs. Nothing fancy I recall.. but the Nessie Cars I thought looked really neat. (I would saw the size was small enough to fit on the concrete slab where the locker are now in Scotland - the all day lockers - not the Nessie Lockers). After Little Nessie was removed the shelter was added and it became a pen to house tons of balloons.
You could buy a Busch gardens balloon at this location. Later- it became lockers.
I do think that there were individual Nessie cars that sat two people.. they all were full size dragons. I also think it was attached to a center hub. again... fuzzy on the details.
Maybe something like this??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPTFPACmJwc
I can dig further and see if I can find out more.