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To bring this thread back on topic, are your pets banned forum members or, more importantly, should they be banned forum members? Are there any repeated rule violations they've committed as of late?
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I give you people a drinking mini pig. Y'know what? Repeat the first sentence. Now, the average man might expect a parade or at least a monument raised in my honor. A man more humble might ponder maybe just a candle burned in his name. Perhaps a Chia pet given in gratitude. Who knows...

But what do I get? People openly questioning if I should even be allowed a seat at the table.

How you people sleep at night is beyond me.

I'll take pictures of Leroy tomorrow when I feed him.
Sorry. I literally had just woken up and was thinking about the Great Unbanning of 2014.

Yes, since we granted universal amnesty, David got himself banned.
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David; 01-12-2015
Received countless private and public warnings over a long period of time for repeated violations of posted rules, including most recently launching personal attacks and posting personal information

Planeteer; 02-13-2015
After being reinstated under an explicitly stated single strike policy, created multiple user accounts and used at least one for malicious activity; thus earning the ban for two separate reasons

Edit: We PMed the unbanned users and posted this single strike policy here.

"Lastly, it should be noted that people's previous bans won't be forgotten. Anyone who does opt to attempt to rejoin the community will be put under strict "Last Warning" status. One strike, and they'll be out once again."
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