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RE: Kentucky Kingdom

No surprise for me. I heard a couple months ago that this was a compact Chance hyper. I never saw the layout until now so I didn't expect this to be so twisty, but given the space they have it's not really surprising.
RE: Kentucky Kingdom

Zach and I were talking about this lastnight, but if you look at the track an wheel assembly in this video they are using the old Morgan track and what appears to be trains similar to Steel Phantom at Kennywood. Its a bit surprising, you would think this being a modern ride that they would have used outside wheel assemblies that are on the Hyper GT-X. I am wondering if this is actually based on the older Morgan Hypercoaster or if this is the newer Chance GT-X and someone used the wrong track and train mesh in NoLimits or something... Something to chew on.
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RE: Kentucky Kingdom - Reopening News/Progress

Hoping this thing has non-neutered air time like Steel Force does on good days. This coaster looks like it can pack some decent airtime on a few hills, along with some interesting transition forces.
RE: Kentucky Kingdom - Reopening News/Progress

Unagi said:
I'm not as interested as I was before after seeing those awful leg restraints attached to the lap bar!

THIS! Leg restraints are one of the banes of my existence and these look especially awful.
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RE: Kentucky Kingdom - Reopening News/Progress

For such a compact and tight track that front end looks to be a little too large for all the transitions in the ride.

On another note, Mamba, Wild Thing, and Steel Force are top 10 coasters? Oh god that interview was bad.
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Irvine Ondrey Engineering is working on the ride programming. Man I have an obsession with ride panels :p
Here is a reverse POV of the ride.

I'm gonna say this right now...I absolutely HATE HATE HATE those leg restraints!

The leg restraints do look terrible. That grab bar looks really skimpy also. Like it may fold over or break. He pulls on it at the end and it moves and flexes.
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For a coaster with that kind of wheel assembly it is rather smooth. Also, based on the way the camera kept changing position it has a Zero Car, that long nose is not attached to the first car.
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The Chance's weren't riding in the front row. They couldn't mount the camera on the nose, so my guess is they're riding in the middle of the train.
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