RE: LeMans Raceway
I don't think the issue was the Enviornment as much as it was money issues. Gas is expensive, prices always stayed moderate during the time Le Mans was open. After Griffon opened, that wasn't the case so much anymore. So even if the park did have plans to relocate Le Mans, they were probably scratched after seeing the huge rise in gas prices. This doesn't effect KD as much, as they have a lot less cars, and don't need to operate as many, because the course is shorter than Le Mans and they only have one path. Whereas Le Mans had more cars, a longer course, and two paths. Le Mans always had a high demand among park guests, while KD's doesn't.
Then there's the electric choice. While yes it is cheaper, when you look at it closely, it still is very expensive. The first option among many of the electric conversion options, is replace the engine with a battery. There are battery that can maintain power for long periods of time, some a whole operating day. However, batteries don't last forever, in fact, with such constant operation, they'd probably only last a operating season or so, and cost a boatload of money to buy and replace, most times more than an engine. Then there's another electric option which is make an electrically charged track. This could work, but would require constant contact, so the whole concept of controlling the ride would be eliminated, which would diminish any draw the ride has.