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May 3, 2011
Richmond, Va
I just recently re-created the KDFans Youtube page. I don't think I will be able to add any videos to the page because my internet connection doesn't allow it (.08mbps upload speed). But it's there nonetheless.

Here are the links to all of the KDFans social media:
Make sure you follow or like these social media pages! I update Facebook the most as I'm not a huge Twitter fan, but I do update for you guys that do enjoy it. And Google +... yeah... It's rare when I post there, but the page looks really good... so add KDFans to one of your circles!

Thanks everyone for all the support!
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Reactions: Nicole and Zachary
Evan said:
I just recently re-created the KDFans Youtube page. I don't suspect to put up any videos to it because my internet connection doesn't allow it (.08mbps upload speed). But it's there nonetheless.

This may be silly, but I've started taking videos like crazy at KD. I could easily send some of my videos to Zachary or someone to put them up (full show videos, video updates, etc.) on the KDFans Youtube page. I could be totally dreaming on this, but I would love to help!
Since 2013 is about to walk out the door, Evan and I teamed up to write an article on KDFans highlighting the top five best articles and developments on the site this year. Join us, and look back on one of the greatest years Kings Dominion has seen in decades (not to mention a not-too-shabby year for KDFans, too)!! :cool:
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