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May 6, 2014
Hampton, VA USA
On Sunday three buddies and I will arrive around noon.  We are all FAWF virgins. Any other members going to the park?  PM if you want to meet up and we can exchange info or just look for the four guys wearing stretchy pants - :cool:.
If you want some unsolicited advice...

Last year we found it useful to plan what we were going to taste in advance. We also shared everything. We still were suffering from a food coma by the end of the day.
Good tip, Nic - thanks! From the blog post I know I want to try the Steak Au Poivre (guessing it's a pricey one), Scottish Egg, and maybe the Schnitzelwich. It boggles my mind they have cocktails. I think PR posted there's something like 70+ adult beverages?!?

I'm surprised I missed FAWF before. Last summer I took a break from the park for a while and only renewed my pass in the fall. Somehow I missed it in 2012 too.

One buddy backed out so just 3 of us now.
F&WF was brand new last year.

Also, they have "passports" with all of the food listed in it. Maybe sit down at your first place and mark off what you want to get. That helped me out last year.

Me and my wife are going for the first time tomorrow. It'll probably be uncomfortably crowded. :-/
GeoUSA said:
I think PR posted there's something like 70+ adult beverages?!?

Yes, 71 varieties of beer, wine, and cocktails.

If you want alcohol, you might also want to that a hop, skip, and splash on down to Water Country USA. 21 varieties of beer, wine, and mixed drinks at Surfside Sips alone.
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