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Feb 6, 2013
Portsmouth, Va
I will be at the par this Friday from opening until around 3:30 sans children, and I will be back next Wednesday with my oldest. If you see me, say "Hi"!

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I just realized you are gonna miss the IllumiNights festivities. Just to be clear, you won't be around for the 5:30 pm show of KK or Magic Garden?
Anyway, I will probably be there in time to see you guys, if only for an hour or so. I heard ChickenHawk may be there too.
I may be there but I won't be able to get there until 5:30 or so as I had to work today.
Log flume, Alpengeist & Mach Tower are all closed??

What happened? Did a mob brigade of English soccer hooligans invade the park or something? They always hated France & Germany you know....
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*Wonders if he should update THE map again*


Cody said:
Change of plans...I will be here for the duration!!! Cody has entered the Garden of Light!!!

Meaning you'll be around until fireworks tonight, right?
Then I can come there later as planned. Yeah!!

The Almighty chickenking will arrive in a few hours. He can be found with the BUTTERFLIES at 8:00 & again at 9:00. Tall guy, taking pictures, with a portable tripod. Not sure if remaining there for fireworks or going over to the Festa/RR spot. :cool:
Thanks to Cody & Peter R. for hanging out and seeing the magic in Italy. Additional thanks to Peter R. for helping scare people out of the way while I was taking pictures around the Magic Garden and during fireworks in Festa (which was pretty good btw). :)

Sorry IndyRacingNut, there are lots of Daddies pushing strollers. lol
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