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Sep 10, 2012
Any of you parents out there (or big kids) have any interest in having a little get-together inside the Castle for a dinner/lunch play-date one day sometime this summer? Let me know ASAP. I am planning a special day for my little girl who REALLY wants to do this, and I would really like to experience the inside of this thing as well. :cool:

Here is the info for Pass Members:


  • Dine with Elmo & Friends - info.jpg
    Dine with Elmo & Friends - info.jpg
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RE: Dine with Elmo and Friends playdate?

If it'll be in a couple of weeks, I'm in....Just tell me what day. Btw, will I have to pay for my 2 year old son? I already know he's gonna have a meltdown halfway through the show, but I have to bring him because their mother will be working.
RE: Dine with Elmo and Friends playdate?

Updated the OP with logistical information. Check it out!!

IndyRacingNut said:
Btw, will I have to pay for my 2 year old son? I already know he's gonna have a meltdown halfway through the show, but I have to bring him because their mother will be working.
According to the info listed for Pass Members, children under 3 are free, but still need a reservation.

My target range for a lunch date at this time is between Friday, July 26th and Monday, 29th. I have a friend coming into town who may want to participate, but things could change. :cool:

Also, on all of these days except Saturday the 27th, the time is for a 5:00 pm dinner buffet. Saturday has a 12:00 noon lunch option as well. Saturdays are usually a no-no for me.
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RE: Dine with Elmo and Friends playdate?

That's good enough for me, bro. I'm in. I'll be bringing my two sons, Ben & Billy. 4 & 2 respectively. Should be an interesting day. LOL The girlfriend is working, so it'll just be me & them. One less adult to pay for anyways.
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RE: Dine with Elmo and Friends playdate?

As much as I really don't like Saturdays, it is looking like the 27th may be the day that we Dine with Elmo & Friends. Will cement this by then end of the week. Now if the date sticks, we have to decide on lunch or dinner.

Also, considering doing the IllumiNights Desserts & Fireworks that evening too. :cool:
RE: Dine with Elmo and Friends playdate?

OK, the time and date is set. Tomorrow, Saturday, July 27th at noon. Anybody else gonna be around?
Got a friend visiting. This day will be for the kids. Two 6-year-old girls, FOF, LOD, show...Entwined (lol), TIO, CF, kiddie rides galore!! Join in the fun!!
RE: Dine with Elmo and Friends playdate?

CK- you know that I would rather cut my hands off than doing this- says the girl with no kiddies.

However, would you consider taking photos and writing a review of it to share here for those folks who are interested in taking their kids there?

I for one, would be interested in seeing what the show is about and what kids get to do as i would love to recommend -not recommend this for my friends who are parents.

of course watching your adorable Amy have a great time would be priceless. :) If I could, I would sign up for that alone.
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I totally understand Nora. You know I am always snapping shots. Will review as well. I definitely want to see the inside (not sure about the Elmo stuff), but this is what I am willing to do for the love of my baby. :)
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