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I really don't see any chance that MT is replaced it's only 8 years old. If this is a flat then I think it's either a swing or something along the lines of a larger fully inverting delirium.

I don't think they have a large scale revolution ride that goes upside down completely. I know there was one in Tayto Park in Ireland that was small scale, but they changed the programming and took out the 360 degrees cause guests didn't like it.
So I was thinking this could be the same tophat style intamin similar to red force at Ferrari land at portaventura. What if project Madrid was originally referring to red for since that's in Spain and project Madrid's original 315' plan was supposed to be a similar ride to red force. What if they're retrying that idea but taller this time?
Personally I see possibilities this is either a tall flat possibly something along the lines of a windseeker which I honestly would feel would be a nice addition. Or it's another coaster. If it's another coaster this soon then I would start to question if we might looking at the end of service life in the near future for one of our current ones.
I have a feeling the next coaster to get removed will be alpie. I really don't want it to happen but it's probably going to happen.
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Alpen might be but I wouldn't expect it any time soon and it definitely wouldn't be related to this height survey.
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