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May 10, 2011
San Francisco, CA
Really? We didn't have a place to discuss international parks before this!? Weird! (or did we? ha.)

Anyways - Montu?
This is a custom layout. The only similarities are the support colors. The track for this is a lighter shade of blue than Montu.

I'm doing a big Euro-trip next year and I can't wait to ride this.
^It really doesn't! :p

After looking closer at the layout for this new ride I realized this is far different from Montu. Montu's first 3 inversions (loop, Immelman and zero-g) are pretty standard B&M fare. This one for Parc Asterix will have a unique first drop then turn immediately to the right for an Immelman then goes into an over banked right turn (much like Silver Bullet at Knotts), into a vertical loop then into a dive loop. The layout is more spread out than Montu is and seems to have more direction changes. And it will have an underwater tunnel.

Teenager died today in a European park while riding an Intamin Zac-spin.
Mazakman said:
Teenager died today in a European park while riding an Intamin Zac-spin.

Oh, Intamin....

Go figure!!!
Here's a pretty cool video of a 'valleyed' shuttle coaster somewhere called Selva Magica, and what they did about it. The back up systems installed on this coaster, to fix itself under these circumstances, are pretty cool.
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