Swiftman said:
Big_Al said:
This is what I don't understand. I don't find it anywhere near as intense as people make it out to be. Sure it's fast, but speed doesn't make something a good ride. Could someone please explain what about the ride makes you hold it in such a high regard? I can list out my favorite coasters and make a case for why I enjoy them- I've just never seen anyone do that for i305. Whenever someone talks down on it on other forums, people just seem to completely disregard their opinion. I must not be the only one missing something...
Where else can you you get 4 seconds of sustained airtime in one shot? I know there are others that do this, but not around here. Sit in the back on I305 and that's what you get. Sit in the front and that floater air turns into ejector air for nearly as long. I LOVE AC. and you get good floater air on the first drop, but on I305 you are falling (Griffon style) and the car is just keeping up with you. You float/fall all the way down. I've always been a "First Drop" kind of rider and if that first drop is good enough, it trumps all for me. And for me I305's fist drop is that good. The lift is so fast that in the back, you even catch a little air cresting the lift hill.
The reason negative opinions are often disregarded on enthusiast forums has more to do with different rider personality types. If you don't like the feeling past pleasurable floater air to ejector air, then you never will get that. Some of us LIKE the feeling that we were on this barely in control speed demon and if you are not someone who does, then there is NO WAY you can be convinced it is fun, so why bother.
Also, much like Disney Fans are accused of, there can be a percieved bit of Park Snobbery. Whether intended or not, it often comes accross that way. Like nothing KD has could possibly compare to anything BG has. Like it is just a ludicrous thought. As if anything at BG gets bounus points just for being there and anything anywhere short of Disney or Universal gets demerits for being where they are.
I don't think this is intentional most of the time and I'm not saying you are engaging in this, but it is a perception and probably more of a problem of KD fans over reacting to a percieved slight by the snooty "Private School" kids, as they see them.
How do you enumerate a feeling? I get off i305 and I feel jacked up and full of adrenaline. I get some of that on other coasters, like AC or Griffon. But not to the extent I do on 305. That is too much for some folks.
I saw you say you were "Bored" on the backside of 305. I just don't get that statement at all. The whole ride cycle is less than a minute. How A.D.D. do you have to be after coming off of that first drop and that airtime hill to have that negated by what you percieve to be a less than thilling back half? I'll be honest, that airtime hill is so good, that usually that is ALL I can think about the rest of the ride.
I could go on I suppose, but really, I don't see the point. Coasters in generall are a loosing proposition to argue about on the internet. I like coasters. You like coasters. We just like different ones for different reasons. Let's leave it at that.