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Mar 26, 2011
I have this shirt. This is actually the second shirt of this style that I have. I want to sell it on eBay and need some advice on what price to put it starting at. It is a youth size medium. I'm thinking $15. I love this shirt.

Youth size is tough. Most folks are looking for adults. Make sure to say "Children's" size as I hate to say this; men often do not catch "youth" as meaning children's. (This is from ebay selling experience).

I would market it as a great way to buy a retro shirt for the child who never got to ride the coaster.. as most kids who rode it will be too big for this shirt now.

Children's size- BBW shirt $9.99 starting bid- $15.00 buy it now. If this was an adult size.. well.. I would put at least $34.99 on the buy it now price.
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Yeah, I am bummed about the size. Really wish it was an adult. My thinking is some collector somewhere will just want it because of what the shirt is and add it to a collection.
^Or as a pillow. I do a lot of races and in the bags they give us at packet pick-ups, there are often little fliers talking about businesses that will turn old race t-shirts into quilts, pillows, etc. I haven't personally done it, but I want to and think it's a neat idea.

I think it would look cool as a pillow.
iliketurtles said:
^Or as a pillow. I do a lot of races and in the bags they give us at packet pick-ups, there are often little fliers talking about businesses that will turn old race t-shirts into quilts, pillows, etc. I haven't personally done it, but I want to and think it's a neat idea.

I think it would look cool as a pillow.

Although it is a neat idea the thought of someone doing that makes me cringe. :s
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