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Aug 31, 2013
Gainesville, FL
Howl-O-Scream 2015 has been "unearthed" with this message:


Breaking News: Maintenance crews stopped in Tracks - A construction team was halted yesterday when crews hit upon a mysterious object while digging in Busch Gardens Tampa. The park is currently investigating the unusual discovery. Please check back for more information.

The event was announced June 17 over Howl-O-Scream social media, including Freaky Preview dates (Sept. 25 & 26).

The event is Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from Sept. 25 to Oct. 31 (Including Oct. 18 & 25, which are Sundays).

Freaky Preview is $35, while Advance-Purchase Admission is $45 (**Note: Regular admission will not allow entrance, as this is a separate ticket event)

The Howl-O-Scream haunted house line-up has not been announced, but we should get news in the following weeks.

More information on ticket purchase, Pass Member discounts, and subscription to Howl-O-Scream insider news can be found at the Howl-O-Scream 2015 website
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Circus of Superstition is confirmed to be returning. That house, though aging, is really fun. I'm glad to see it make a return. It's so different and more exciting than the usual blase "clown house". It's also a house that even my mom enjoys. She usually can't stand haunted houses, but the artwork here is so psychedelic and mesmerizing that she nearly forgets about the people trying to scare her. It's probably a flashback to the 70's for her too.

This house had the same usual artist to draw the concept art. His name is Keith Kaminski. This house shows how versatile he is with artwork. The style is so different from ordinary Howl-O-Scream houses, but it works. If you ever get a chance to see the color package book (very unlikely;highly guarded secret), you can see that the final product and the book look almost exactly alike because of the art style.

I know to expect at least two new houses, however I am expecting three. Blood Asylum is gone. The concept for the replacement for it will be based off of ZCU. Therefore, ZCU will not be in the same location, but I have heard that the Nairobi Pavilion may not be used at all. I am not sure about Zombie Mortuary. Some of the people that took the tour tour in June said it will not return. That being said, I would expect construction to start soon, if not already. Deadfall will return, and is rumored to get a few changes to make the storyline more clear.

Also, if anyone knows where I can find photos of the Halloween Extreme tour, please tell me where I can find them.
I hope they don't bring back Zombie Mortuary, that house is definitely aging, and I hope they improve DeadFall, that house was underwhelming as well.

I've also heard rumors about a house inside Gwazi's old queue area, which would be a cool concept.

So far, HOS 2015 is shaping up to be a very odd scare.
I'm sure that most locals are disappointed about the house returning again, but as someone that hasn't been able to go every year, I'm very happy about this. The park obviously put a lot of time,money, and effort into this maze. It has a very unique layout that you don't see at most theme parks. My only problem with it returning is the fact that it still has some (re-purposed) scenery from Trapped in the Walls. To some people, that makes the house feel ten years old.

The setting is still unique. This house take a more old-fashioned "Night of the Living Dead" approach, in the midst of more typical zombie houses that take a fully modern approach.

Below are some photos of concept art and the layout. They are low-resolution photos. The funeral home facade is extremely accurate.



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I have never been able to go but as a fan of the Haunt industry in all compacities i enjoy reading these. I dont get to go to many out side of my local area. Castle O'Sullivan is that for zombie mortuary?
I love both Death Water Bayou and Zombie Mortuary, but those videos are awful. Why are the actors in the videos talking about people not being able to escape, and yet they are on the sets of the haunted houses themselves? Aside from bad acting, they showed little nothing of the house.

Also, those people should be dead if they are sitting right in the middle of the "dangerous" houses that they are talking about. In comparison, the Circus of Superstition video was very well done. They really need to do more to generate interest. I guess, considering that 90% or more of the Cobra's Curse and Mako announcement video footage was done by college interns, they are on a very consistent track. Not that that's a good thing.
While looking through some more photos of Zombie Mortuary, I came across this gem. Pictured second from the right is Scott Swenson, the former creative director. They are standing in the same room that is depicted in the concept art photo that I posted earlier.

CastleOSullivan said:
While looking through some more photos of Zombie Mortuary, I came across this gem. Pictured second from the right is Scott Swenson, the former creative director. They are standing in the same room that is depicted in the concept art photo that I posted earlier.


So wait, he's back assisting? Or is this just an old picture?
It's an old photo, sadly. I doubt he's coming back any time soon. Thankfully he left a big legacy behind. I think the people at the park themselves are still trying to grasp the fact that he is no longer in charge. He contributed so much to the event, and like I said, he left a few ideas behind. Hopefully that will be a good backup for the people in charge in the time being.

While I don't know yet how the "new guy" will measure up, he has some previous experience with houses like Death Water Bayou, and Deadfall. Hopefully his ideas will be more along the lines of Death Water Bayou. Deadfall is a good house, but it left many fans confused as far as the story line goes.

I am guessing that this year will be a year of rest for Tampa. I think this is so their other parks can get a foot in the game. I can only hope that the park does not stagnate like it seems to be doing right now. Tampa already has a great product, and plenty of backup ideas for future events. I hope that they use those ideas, and continued to create new ones that are equally as good, if not better.
I think they are having trouble in Tampa with the recent change of the creative director of Howl-O-Scream. I don't know what they are going to do. All I know about the current guy is that he supposedly brought up the initial idea for Death Water Bayou to Scott Swenson.

Also, Fiends was supposed to ether retire or be remade this year, but they decided not to do that. They will still only have Fiends for a show. Tampa may be suffering tremendously this year, but the other parks seem like they are really getting the better deal this time around.
Couldn't have said it any better! :p

So far, the event isn't looking that good...

CastleOSullivan said:
I think they are having trouble in Tampa with the recent change of the creative director of Howl-O-Scream. I don't know what they are going to do. All I know about the current guy is that he supposedly brought up the initial idea for Death Water Bayou to Scott Swenson.

Also, Fiends was supposed to ether retire or be remade this year, but they decided not to do that. They will still only have Fiends for a show. Tampa may be suffering tremendously this year, but the other parks seem like they are really getting the better deal this time around.
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