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Howl-O-Scream 2012 Rumors

I think the big news already is that BG sent out a survey gauging the popularity of a pay event. Interesting idea, it will be worth watching to see how it flies with the pass holders.
RE: Howl-o-Scream 2012

I actually hope it becomes a pay event, especially if it gets us Christmas Town free. It is more logical. Howl-O-Scream can be more adults, Christmas Town can be more families (as in it being free for pass holders, more families will go more often). I think it would be best for both events in the long run.
RE: Howl-o-Scream 2012

Does anybody have any idea what the logistics of this would be? Would the close the park at a certain time and reopen?

And before anyone gets delusional about this, this would be an EXTREMELY unpopular move with the GP.
RE: Howl-o-Scream 2012

Indeed, the details are really important with this, it would also require BG to stay open past 10 in order to let people get their money's worth.
RE: Howl-o-Scream 2012

11 PM on Fridays and Sundays and 12 PM on Saturdays? They have the crowds to justify it...
RE: Howl-o-Scream 2012

I could deal with that, 6-12 is enough time on a Saturday. Another aspect would be if there's an age limit. If there's an age limit, that would be the best way to get support for it.
RE: Howl-o-Scream 2012

I'd take a look at the way Tampa does it. Park is open all day. Hos starts around 7, but you can get in at 5 with a hos ticket. You get a wristband when you go in. After 6 or so you have to leave if you weren't there for hos. If you were there before you just flash your hos pass and get a wristband.

their event goes from 7-1 Thursday and 7-2 Friday and Saturday. Don't know how well their system would work here, but they certainly could draw from that.
RE: Howl-o-Scream 2012

This idea would be a huge blow to passholders. I can't fathom the blowback. Nor do I see any possible reason to justify this. The event is already wildly popular.
RE: Howl-o-Scream 2012

Are there any county or state regulations restricting how late BG can stay open? I was thinking maybe a noise ordinance or something to that effect.
RE: Howl-o-Scream 2012

Shafor said:
Nor do I see any possible reason to justify this.

Crowds. Cash. Age limits. Taping into a new market. Taking the event to the next level- beyond the regional level.

Zoomy said:
Are there any county or state regulations restricting how late BG can stay open? I was thinking maybe a noise ordinance or something to that effect.

If someone could look into this, that'd be great.
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RE: Howl-o-Scream 2012

Sounds like a pretty big gamble to mess around with an event that already could not be more popular, and infuriate half of their season passholders in the process.
RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Rumors

^ But we'd then get Christmas Town for free- something they need more attendance for.
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RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Rumors

They could sell a limited amount of tickets to the event as a way of controlling the overcrowding.

Where did it mention they would give Christmastown for free. That sounded like speculation. Maybe I missed it.
RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Rumors

Swiftman said:
^ But we'd then get Christmas Town for free- something they need more attendance for.

They reached capacity an awful lot during Christmas Town too.

I don't see it as an even swap. Christmas Town has limited hours, limited park space and limited rides. You're losing a lot.
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