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RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Music

Also was was wondering the music played in Root of All evil.
RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Music

JordanFord said:
Do you know any tracks played at HOS 12? I'm curious what's played in Scotland.

Don't know if it is what you mean but I heard this in Scotland this past weekend: SCOTLAND THE BRAVE.
RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Music

chickenking said:
Don't know if it is what you mean but I heard this in Scotland this past weekend: SCOTLAND THE BRAVE.

That's one of their regular-season standards; the version played is by Mackenzies Pipes and Strings, from their self-titled album.
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RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Music

Sleepy Hollow Main Titles in one in Scotland. Been there for a couple years and fits perfectly.

EDIT. I actually added the two that I know for a fact are played in the park from my two visits this year in the OP. A few others are on the tip of my tongue that I cannot pinpoint.
RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Music

If I was told correctly, the music played in Festa Italia is music from the ending credits of Stephen King's IT.
RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Music

Over in Ireland, in what is now called shamrock girl or something like that, I seem to recall seeing a Halloween CD last year. Anyone know what that was and did it have all of the music that they play in the hamlets on it?
RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Music

In England for the past few years they've been playing these songs:

Born of the Night: Midnight Syndicate
Eclipse:Midnight Syndicate

They started playing these the year of the faceless people.
RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Music

Does anybody remember the song that was played in new France (back when they had the haunted train) it was also played in the station I believe? But I've been humming it all day for some odd reason
RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Music

The song sung by Jocelyn Montgomery is actually a script written/composed by Hildegard Von Bingen; a Catholic Saint/Doctor of the Church. She was known for her liturgy work and compositions in the 12th century. Obviously it was written in Latin and sung as such by Jocelyn.

Latin Text:

O virtus Sapientiae,
quae circuiens circuisti
comprehendendo omnia
in una via, quae habet vitam,
tres alas habens,
quarum una in altum volat,
et altera de terra sudat,
et tertia undique volat.
Laus tibi sit, sicut te decet,
O Sapientia.

English Translation:

O strength of Wisdom
who, circling, circled,
enclosing all
in one lifegiving path,
three wings you have:
one soars to the heights,
one distils its essence upon the earth,
and the third is everywhere.
Praise to you, as is fitting,
O Wisdom.
RE: Howl-O-Scream 2012 Music

Music From Fear Fair: ("3D" Fun House Room) ("Puppetmaster" Room)
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