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Sep 10, 2012
Once the park opens, all of my energies will generally get directed here. I love the water! And my little girl loves going here better than the YMCA, or the beach, or the Yorktown Riverwalk. Don't have to worry about traffic to the beach or sharks. Don't have to worry about darn jellyfish stinging you in the limited swimming area in Yorktown. And the YMCA, as much I love it, just doesn't cut it for long. Need to get outside with slides and waves and whatnot.

I like to arrive around 3-4pm and stay until closing. Why so late? Well, two reasons:

1. I sunburn easily and don't like wearing sunscreen. The sun is not so harsh this time of day, and I know how to avoid the rays if it is still a little bit.

2. 4-5 hours is enough time to play in the water for me.

*Bonus* Once IllumiNights starts up at BGW, we will leave WCUSA at 8pm, get a bite to eat somewhere and watch the fireworks from a special spot in the parking lot around 9pm. Nothing better than a two-for-one evening. Water slides & fireworks. Good times!! :cool:

BTW, I finally got my waterproof camera so expect a lot of interesting pictures!
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