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Sep 29, 2009
I've always been fascinated at how the park finds ways to recycle old props from shows/houses, and uses them in different ways.
This is a thread to discuss props that you've seen re-used for Howl-O-Scream in creative ways. I guess I'll start with one.

The gargoyles from Enchanted Lab and Castle O'Sullivan: I've seen these re-used in Star-fright Orchestra, and Monster-Stomp 2011.

I'll even give you all an idea for a post.: Who can name all the locations the giant troll has been moved to?
If I'm correct, the talking animatronic skeletons in cages were once at the entrance turnstiles to the park, and were later on posts by the bridge between Rhinefeld and Oktoberfest (near Darkastle), and now they're gone.

Also, the Howl-o-Scream monsters on boards (that go with Fiends, I presume), have been in Oktoberfest surrounding the maypole outside the Festhaus, and were most recently scattered around Killarney.

The only place I can think of the giant troll being is the bridge between San Marco and Pompeii, but I know there are lots more.

I know this is a Busch Gardens thread, but I'd also like to note that I believe Kings Dominion uses aliens from Haunt as props in the queue and station for Flight of Fear, just to put it out there. :)
The troll has been at the caribo station for the haunted train ride and it has been by shenanigans theater.
Hey, what ever happened to the skeletons at the piano in San Marco who sang the "Twelve Days of Howl-o-Scream?" It was so weird it was pure awesomeness. Sadly, I haven't seen it at Howl-o-Scream as of late. Anyone remember that?
Also note, last year (2012), loads of themed items from shows and old houses were put out, like a mix of Hunted and Monster Stomp items were in San Marco as village decor.
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