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Sep 25, 2016
Yogi's Cave
I was at KD today and as I walked past the bandstand there was a sign that said on June 9th and 10th at the bandstand they would have appearances by "The Original Harlem Globetrotters."

So then I went to wikipedia to look at the roster of players to see if there were any names I recognized. Nope.

Time flies by as I saw them probably 40 years ago as a kid, Meadowlark has now passed away but Curly is still around (but not on the active roster, after all he's now 76 years old).

But I will go watch, should be fun...
I met one of them several years ago in a line at a call rental at the... umm.. San Francisco? (I think) airport. (back then I was flying all over the country all the time, and it has all blurred into one big trip to San Di-Fri-Seattl-Hawa-Land)
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