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and Team / Co
Jul 22, 2013
Arlington, VA
In addition to being Gavin's birthday, today is also the 6th anniversary of the Forum.  Technically, on September 23, 2009 we were launched as BGWFans, but since then we have grown and now report on and chat about several theme parks, particularly KD and BGT.

So, everyone should eat a piece of cake today in honor of the Forum turning six!



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InB4 Luke posts.
Does anybody else remember the days when the site was originally called CBJPages? When it transitioned to BGWFans, I think I was the first to sign up for the forums. Then, the very next day, they reset the site, and I was almost right after Zachary.

When I first joined BGWFans, I was happy to find that it would become a big community. I think the welcoming vibe of this site is what got me, and many others to stay. My birthday wish for ParkFans is that we continue to prosper, and be a "safe haven" for anyone that enjoys theme/amusement parks.
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