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Nov 14, 2009
Williamsburg, VA
They're hosting a #FrightNight social media event tonight (9/30). I know some of you will be there for that. Anyone else going to be at the park? My wife and I will be at the park all night if anyone wants to say hi. See the Members Only section for my contact info.
No, it goes on during hours. Usually a private party somewhere then some mini-tours, VIP stuff, some swag. A lot of personal time to explore the park as well.
How does one get invited to these events?
Always thought it would be neat to do.
Oh and we will be there tonight probably around 7:00
PushTheButton said:
How does one get invited to these events?

You have to be active on their social media channels. Their social media team organizes the events and sends out invites. Doesn't seem to be much method to their madness though.
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