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Apr 9, 2013
One thing that absolutely irritates the snot out of me is how theme parks unceremoniously dump old rides, attractions and such without so much as a notice to the GP about it and expect everyone to embrace the new replacement as if the old attraction was never even there.

So, I think even Party Rocker will give me a pass on this one since it's not an exact concept requiring a thesis. :p

The concept is this: Any time the park makes plans to remove an attraction, MAKE THE GENERAL PUBLIC AWARE OF IT SO WE CAN PLAN AHEAD AND REVISIT AN "OLD FRIEND" BEFORE YOU GET RID OF IT!! (Or in some cases, be there to celebrate it's demise...*ahem* EITA *ahem*)

They did a good job of letting us know about Pirates 4-D, I'll admit. But why do I have nightmares about waking up one morning, heading to the park only to find that Nessie has been dismantled & replaced by some Elmo-themed Wild Maus coaster?
Sounds like paranoia...Are you on drugs?
Naw, I just mean things like Celtic Dyne, Threadneedle Faire, Brewery tour....things like that. Not the BIG ones. Obviously they'd tell us if they were ever to dismantle LNM, but you get my point I think.

Sometimes it's the little things around the park that we enjoy & those are the ones they never tell us about when they remove them.
All of the things you just mentioned came before the Internet. Unless they brought in news cameras and put stories in the paper, there wouldn't be a way to tell a massive amount of people the brewery tour is closing.

Celtic Dyne was closed because no one went to it. Not sure why they would announce it then.
IndyRacingNut said:
But why do I have nightmares about waking up one morning, heading to the park only to find that Nessie has been dismantled & replaced by some Elmo-themed Wild Maus coaster?

You Have those too?!!!???!!!??!!
I have this fear that when it's Nessie's time to go they will keep it really quiet, and try to keep it top secret, so there is no UPROAR of protesters. Of course somehow this site would find out, but I'm afraid that by the time we find out, it will be the off season, and they would've already started tearing it down. If they ever did that, I would never forgive them, for not giving me a chance to say goodbye to Nessie.
It would never happen...If they decide to dismantle Nessie, the park would have to let everyone know because they would make soooo much money with the influx of guest wanting to get their last ride on the legend.
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