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Nice find! I actually think it somewhat resembles what it's actually like today. Something I find interesting is the color scheme of the ride, shown to be blue and orange. Cool!
^ Yes, the concept art looks similar to the real hamlet, but the concept has more tents and it has a couple of turns in the path, which is lacking in the real hamlet.
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I believe it's still intact, it was just never put back after Christmas Town last year. Not sure what kind of shape it's in after a year backstage though. Things don't seem to get much TLC when they're not on display. :-/
I don't think that wagon got much TLC while is was ON display. It was in pretty bad shape just sitting there.

I would love to see them do a full restoration on the wagon and place it back. The gravel pad would be easy to replace and if the wagon is in good shape moving it every year would not be a big deal.
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The Killarney wagon was the stripped bottom in CTC. It had it's top during Fear Fair in 2012. You could still see it was complete from Apollo during the Spring of this year.

Photos are at the bottom here and here.

I may have some video or photos when it had the puppet show in it.
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Nooo, I'm so sad that they removed the wagon entirely! It was a small thing, but I felt like it added to the themeing -- something that Festa could definitely use a little help with!
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