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Interesting fact about the incident: The goose didn't hit him directly, at that speed he would have been killed. The goose hit the camera filming him and dismembered, most of the blood on him isn't his.
I firmly believe in the conspiracy theory that the goose to nose incident was fake and planned by BG to stir up media coverage. AC ended up being on outlets on a national level, instead of just being covered by a few local and enthusiast media sources. We even made it on SNL. Just what are the odds something like that would happen, and to of all people riding on a full train, and on the 'first' ride being taped. AND it's never happened again, after all these years.

I also don't believe we've been to the moon either, but that's a whole notha day and thread.
Can anyone find the SNL video? I would look but I am in am airport, so if I found it I would not beable to post it.
Ouch Swift. Didn't really appreciate the tone in your post. But that's your opinion as I have mine, and I would hope you will respect that in the future.

Old school SNL clips are hard to find as the war between Youtube and NBC killed the chance to find a lot of them, but I would try's archive first. It was a segment on Weekend Update.
You can believe whatever you want to, it'd just be nice to see some kind of foundation to the seemingly ridiculous beliefs you hold. Let me ask you this question: If the Fabio indecent was some kind of absurd, misguided, publicity stunt, how did they pull it off and how did they cover it up?
RocketChk said:
I firmly believe in the conspiracy theory that the goose to nose incident was fake and planned by BG to stir up media coverage. AC ended up being on outlets on a national level, instead of just being covered by a few local and enthusiast media sources. We even made it on SNL. Just what are the odds something like that would happen, and to of all people riding on a full train, and on the 'first' ride being taped. AND it's never happened again, after all these years.

I also don't believe we've been to the moon either, but that's a whole notha day and thread.

That statement tells me enough right there. You have no idea whatsoever as to what you are talking about.
First thing, a lot of "first" rides are taped (Think of all the on-ride videos that cheetah hunt had during their media day).
Second, to answer Balak95, I was told that Busch never released the on-ride video.
Third, If this was a publicity stunt, how did bg keep the other 35 people on the train this quiet for this long? You guys forget that there were 35 witnesses to this, 3 sitting right next to him.

Edit: BTW, I was watching an old episode of AFV, and Tom made a joke about the incident. It was funny. Tom said, "Fabioland opened up last weekend and they have a roller coaster that even shoots geese at your face!"
Plus, Busch isnt good at keeping secrets, I mean having that many people in on it and to keep a secret for over 10 Years!
RocketChk said:
I firmly believe in the conspiracy theory that the goose to nose incident was fake and planned by BG to stir up media coverage. AC ended up being on outlets on a national level, instead of just being covered by a few local and enthusiast media sources. We even made it on SNL. Just what are the odds something like that would happen, and to of all people riding on a full train, and on the 'first' ride being taped. AND it's never happened again, after all these years.

I also don't believe we've been to the moon either, but that's a whole notha day and thread.

.........I just want to know if you can HEAR me rolling my eyes at your post from wherever you are right now.
griffonrox said:
I think busch is good at keeping secrets that they want to keep.

Well it would be hard for anyone to keep a secret that big for 10 YEARS!
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