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RE: escape from pompeii

Yes they should, I know Curse of DarKastle also has more effects than they use. There might be a reason that they dont use them besides just not turning them on, if something is broke it might cost alot to replace, or some might cost alot to maintain. I wish that they would use all of them but I am sure there is reasons why they dont.
I'd be interested to know which ones they don't use. I thought they used to have more fire effects than the ones they currently use, but does anyone know particularly which ones they are?
they said that if they use all of the effects it would make the building EXTREMELY HOT, or something like that. But they said that theres parts of the show where they change some of the effects that are used. cause there are WAY more fire effects than they use. and more of the beams break. and some of the statues talk too.
Swiftman said:
Escape from Pompeii opened in 1996

I dont know im pretty sure it opened in 95...also the reason they probably dont use the effects is if a couple break they have replacement ones until the old ones get replaced. Also talking statues...Swweeeettt!!!!
I worked Escape from Pompeii in 2008 for a ton of hours. Especially in Mid Chute and Down Chute.

Mid Chute is the booth at the beginning of the ride where the fire and special effects are controlled. The booth overlooks the first room with the beams breaking and the room with the fire explosion. From this point of view I can see every pilot light for all the special effects. When the boat comes near a green light will flash for me to push two red buttons that activate the special effects. These two buttons must be continuously pressed the entire time the light is green. If you were to let off the buttons at any point the special effects will stop. if the buttons never get pressed at all I think that causes a quick stop. I can't quite remember if it does or not. When the light turns red you let off of buttons and the boat goes onto the second half of the building. Now this ride has a lot of different effects. Not all of them will work everyday and not all of them will work each time a boat passes through. Somedays the ball of fire might not be working. Others some smaller effects might be off.

Down Chute is a booth located to the left of the drop. There are even two windows to the room. One overlooks the drop and the entire area around Pompeii while the other is window facing the drop. This booth just has tv's in it to watch the ride. The statue is controlled by sensors.

So what I'm saying is all the special effects are still there and still work but just not all of the time since this ride does face a lot of breakdowns. Hope this clears up everything.
Thanks for the great info! Do you know anything about the "talking statues"? I never remember seeing them...
I've never heard anything about a talking statue. It wouldn't even make sense if they did. The ride isn't about things coming to life so why would statues talk?
Now is the mid chute in the actual building or is it near the loading dock, and does this mean i was right about my theory of keeping some off to preserve them.
It is in the building between where the beams come down and the fire effects start. Next time you ride turn around when the fire starts and look up. You can see the window. It is literally over the water.
I wish they would turn back on the effect in DarKastle when you go through the fire place the "smoke" that rises up!
Balak95 said:
Now is the mid chute in the actual building or is it near the loading dock, and does this mean i was right about my theory of keeping some off to preserve them.

If an effect is off its because it is not working right in some way.
I know when DarKastle opened the spot where you are pointlessly spinning in the dark after the fireplace, there were fire effects that made it look like you were going to spin into the fire.

Also I remember only one time last year the fireplace smoke effect was working.
Austin said:
It is in the building between where the beams come down and the fire effects start. Next time you ride turn around when the fire starts and look up. You can see the window. It is literally over the water.

so that control room is over the ride like on a third story or something.
i notice the last control booth at the end where if you look back you see a hallway that leads to a wooden door.
Austin said:
Just outside down chute theres an area where theres no wall and you can see the ride come by. Its pretty sweet.

I loved freaking guests out from that spot haha
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