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Mar 15, 2014
Metro said:
The schoolgirl who died on a theme park ride at Drayton Manor was killed when a half-ton boat crashed into her, according to a source close to the investigation.

But a source has claimed the girl was struggling to get out of the water, when another dinghy collided with her, according to the Mail on Sunday.

Syed Alam, 47, the girl’s uncle said: ‘If she fell into the water and tried to walk out, she was in there for a good few minutes. Staff should have seen her and done something.’

Earlier reports suggested the Leicester Jameah Girls Academy pupil fell in the water while trying to swap seats and hit her head.

It was believed the girl could have drowned in up to 5ft of water.

But according the Sunday newspaper, the water would have been little more than 20 inches deep.

And a post-mortem concluded that Ms Jannath died from chest injuries.

Hundreds of mourners attended the schoolgirl’s funeral at Saffron Hill Cemetery, Leicester, last week.

An inquest into Ms Jannath’s death was opened Staffordshire’s Coroner last week and adjourned until a later date.

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