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Dec 23, 2011
Donnie Mills is in charge of both of the Busch Gardens parks, he is sort of the park president but for two parks instead of one, he was/is visiting the park to check out and inspect Illuminights.
I believe he is more interested in how much of a success Illuminights is and more specifically the wonderful glow stands/carts.
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Party Rocker said:
I believe he is more interested in how much of a success Illuminights is and more specifically the wonderful glow stands/carts.

Kinda funny you say that. A good pal down at HQ in OTown said that the dismal state of Entertainment at the park was known and suits were coming to see just how bad it is. Sounds like your info is just a hair bit off.
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PzP said:
Are you serious?

He is not but not does not realize it yet. BGW has had visits from the family parks down south already with pertinence to the stale failured shows and entertainment the park currently maintains. It is becoming known through the company the sorry state it has fallen to.
Too funny, Party Rocker, "the wonderful glow stands/carts." Yep, we LOVE them all right (sarcasm). Atlantis, good to know the suits are taking notice!
A whole corporate team, including Jim Atchison, CEO of SWP&E, was visiting both parks over the past two days.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to make it seem like this was super important. However, i was sort of right originally, he is there to examine entertainment and they stopped by to check out the Mach Tower situation.
Well, even if he's not there because of the park's sorry state, he'd be hard pressed not to notice. Again, my offer to do Scott's job for half of whatever he gets paid is still on the table, so if any of you run into him, pass along my info.
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Cool Doctor Money said:
Well, even if he's not there because of the park's sorry state, he'd be hard pressed not to notice. Again, my offer to do Scott's job for half of whatever he gets paid is still on the table, so if any of you run into him, pass along my info.

As I said before, the state of Ent IS known but from what I heard the severity is not. Working on seeing what else I can get. Part of these guys coming and the others was for CT infrastructure, setup, etc.
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