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It doesn't really say how much their cost fell so I not sure bleeding money is right in this case.
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It doesn't really say how much their cost fell so I not sure bleeding money is right in this case.

Where did it say their costs fell? It clearly says their net revenue is negative $3.5 Billion with a B
Where did it say their costs fell? It clearly says their net revenue is negative $3.5 Billion with a B
Their cost would have fallen just by being closed and not having to run as much power or buy as much stuff or house the live in staff that they sent home from their College program and any of other factors. I see where it says they took a 3.5 Billion hit but negative impact is not necessarily the same as negative cash flow. If they were expecting to bring in 4.5 Billion and only brought it 1 Billion they would have still had a 3.5 Billion negative impact but they still might have had expenses less then 1 Billion so they might still not be in the red.
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