What's funny to me was they had to shoot the climax 3 times because the old coaster was a strong ol' gal.
For the climax, the primary supports of the coaster were fitted with explosive charges. At the signal of the director, one of the wooden trains, filled with mannequins, was sent for its "last" ride down the aged track. The charges were set off, blowing the large wooden posts to smithereens, while at the same time, huge, fiery gasoline explosions were set off for visual effect. The coaster refused to budge.
Inspections were made, new charges were set on the secondary supports, and the scenes were re-staged. The charges went off, the coaster remained standing.
Unwilling to spend any more time or money on explosives, they finally devised a way to bring down the Rocket once and for all. A bulldozer, off camera and fitted with cables tied to strategic points along the track, finally did what the dynamite could not do, and amid the smoke and fire of one final gasoline bomb it slowly dragged the coaster to the ground.