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I've been looking for pictures of this ride too, obviously with no luck as there's no picture on the site... yet. I'm convinced I'll find a picture somewhere, there has to be at least one somewhere online.
Chris said:
I've been looking for pictures of this ride too, obviously with no luck as there's no picture on the site... yet. I'm convinced I'll find a picture somewhere, there has to be at least one somewhere online.

That is my exact reasoning! Coasters aren't build, without any documentation about them. I would be interested in ANY info about it. Layout, height, anything.
Here's a picture of Das Katzchen, it was located directly beside Die Wildkatze and was essentially just a scaled down version of Glissade.

I actually had the brochure with a picture of it this whole time!


  • das katzchen.jpg
    das katzchen.jpg
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  • bgw197718.jpg
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Did anyone ever ride this ride? How is it? I under stand that it was a "kiddy" ride but an opinion would be nice from an actual rider. Other information about the ride would also be helpful. I have been told that Glissade did not have any restraints, did the smaller version of the ride also lack restraints?
Yoshi said:
Did anyone ever ride this ride? How is it? I under stand that it was a "kiddy" ride but an opinion would be nice from an actual rider. Other information about the ride would also be helpful. I have been told that Glissade did not have any restraints, did the smaller version of the ride also lack restraints?

I never got a chance to ride it, it closed the year I was born, I would assume the restraint system (or lack thereof) was the same.

I met a woman that is a train conductor at BGW and she's apparently been going to the park since it opened. If I see her again I'll have to ask if she rode it.

The video of Glissade makes it look like a pretty fun ride. If you haven't seen it, it's in the history of the park post on the regular site,
I never got a chance to ride it either, but I remember it clearly. My mom never let me on it as she was scared I would fly out of it. Overprotective mom, thy name is Mona. :dodgy:

What happened was "I" took my mom on Space Mountain when I was almost three. (Yes, I was a tall kid) and because the lap bar did not close on me because my mom was so much bigger; I in fact, almost fell out.

Of course, I had the time of my life... but my mom was horrified. Going to Busch Gardens after that event was miserable as she scrutinized every height restriction imaginable.
Nora said:
I never got a chance to ride it either, but I remember it clearly. My mom never let me on it as she was scared I would fly out of it. Overprotective mom, thy name is Mona. :dodgy:

What happened was "I" took my mom on Space Mountain when I was almost three. (Yes, I was a tall kid) and because the lap bar did not close on me because my mom was so much bigger; I in fact, almost fell out.

Of course, I had the time of my life... but my mom was horrified. Going to Busch Gardens after that event was miserable as she scrutinized every height restriction imaginable.

So was there in fact no restraint system like Glissade?
I recall a lap bar I think... but I do think there was sort of restraint.. a buckle strap perhaps.

I only got to see it when I rode the Baron Plane Ride. It was the only thing I looked at while riding that boring thing. At least until they tore down the coaster.
Wings said:
I would infer this was located where DarKastle now stands?

No, this was right beside Die Wildkatze, where the BBW station currently is. Glissade was in the location where DarKastle now is.
The Das Katzchen was the first roller coaster I ever rode on. Back in the spring of 1976 or 1977, my Mom and Dad took my cousin and me to Busch Gardens. I was about 6 or 7. I really wanted to go on the "big" coasters, but my Mom was afraid of them and my Dad didn't like them, so Das Katzchen it was. I don't really remember much about it, except that it was metal and the train was painted red. It was in a wooded area, perched at the side of a little ravine. I'd guess the whole thing would probably have fit in a 50x100 foot area, possibly smaller.

I can't remember if my parents took any pictures during that trip or not. I'll have to dig through the old photo albums. I remember my Dad playing some game and winning a giant yellow stuffed dog with shag for its fur and big kaleidoscope eyes (hey, it was the 70's!) that my Mom named "Sunshine".

We went back in the fall of 1979, and of course, by that time the big attraction was the Loch Ness Monster, but I went on all the coasters, including the Das Katzchen. I was probably too old to go on it by that time, but I wanted the nostalgia trip!
Chris said:
Here's a picture of Das Katzchen, it was located directly beside Die Wildkatze and was essentially just a scaled down version of Glissade.

I actually had the brochure with a picture of it this whole time!

I just signed up for this forum (and raised this thread from the dead) in order to look at these pictures of Das Katzchen, but sadly, these are not pictures of Das Katzchen. The actual ride would be immediately to the right of Red Baron, as seen in this map
The coaster behind Red Baron in this brochure is Glissade.
I am obsessed with finding a photo of this ride, and cannot find one anywhere. I rode this ride once, sometime in the early 1980's when I was 6 or 7. It may have been my first coaster, though it seems I probably had ridden Scooby Doo at KD previously. I remember liking how Das Katzchen was situated in a little glade of trees, and, in my memory at least, it was decent sized little ride and had good hills but stayed close to the ground for much of its length. It may have even featured some air time, in fact when I first saw High Speed Thrill Coaster at Knoebels as an adult it reminded me of my memory of Das Katzchen.
Another reason the park should set up some type of history display in the park. I wish they had made room for something like that in the new Oktoberfest, would have been a nice way to tie the park's past into the future.
Chris said:
Another reason the park should set up some type of history display in the park. I wish they had made room for something like that in the new Oktoberfest, would have been a nice way to tie the park's past into the future.

I want to see some sort of monument or plaque commemorating the Big Bad Wolf by it's former station when the 2012 coaster occupies it. I doubt they would do that though. :-/
ArrowWolf1984 said:
Chris said:
Another reason the park should set up some type of history display in the park. I wish they had made room for something like that in the new Oktoberfest, would have been a nice way to tie the park's past into the future.

I want to see some sort of monument or plaque commemorating the Big Bad Wolf by it's former station when the 2012 coaster occupies it. I doubt they would do that though. :-/

lets not forget the coaster that was there before the wolf was Die Wildkatze.
Hello, Everyone.

Newbie here to this forum but definitely not a BGW newbie as I've been going to the park since it first opened.

I rode Das Kätzchen when I was a child and I have a pic of myself riding it somewhere. I'll have to dig it out, scan it and post it here. The coaster was not located near or behind Die Wildkatze as someone else here stated. It was located in Grimm's Hollow which was a small children's play area in the Rhinefeld near the carousel. The only rides close to Die Wildkatze back then were Der Werbelwind (where Mäch Tower now resides), Die Schwartze Spinne (Spider ride where Der Werbelwind now resides), and Der Blitzschneller (Trabant ride where Der Roto Baron now resides).
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