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Getting aHEAD of myself
Advisory Panel
Feb 12, 2011
According to Wikipedia, ( ) BGT got a hitory museum of the park. Gosh, I wish we had one! Thoughts?
J0E1 said:
According to Wikipedia, ( ) BGT got a hitory museum of the park. Gosh, I wish we had one! Thoughts?

I :heart: :heart: :heart: HITORY, especsally when the peoples tells their storys and everybodys like yaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!! [/sarcasm]

Now that I got that outta my system, that would be awesome though I doubt many of the GP would appreciate it like us.
I assume this is the one that was installed for the park's anniversary a couple of years ago. It's located in the former horse jumping museum location. I saw it last January, and it was really interesting to follow the history of the park. It was set up in chronological order with lots of photographs and descriptions of past attractions. There were some props, costumes, and souvenirs, but mostly it was photographs.
I wish BGW would get something like that. BGT has their "Cheetah Hunt Exhibet" in the Cheetah Hunt gift shop. It has a piece of some sort of cable (I can't remember what it is :p ), also shows how supports are anchored, along with some concept art and a POV video playing. Alot of GP was over there (I can only assume it was GP or they were really mis-informed coaster enthusiasts who have no idea how a coaster works).
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