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Sep 13, 2013
Hi, does anyone know how crowded it is today? Also, how's the line for colossal curl, crazy long wait? We haven't been this year. Thanks!
I'm afraid not many people who are at the park right now will be on their phones to see your question, chinacat. However, in my experience the last few weeks leading up to WCUSA's closing for the season tend to be rather crowded. Since the weather is so nice and this is one of the last Saturdays before schools start, I would assume crowds would be somewhat heavy. Buy I've been wrong before.
Yes Joe, I'm sure you are correct about the phones. I did not really think that one out to well. Thank you for the reply though!
I figured it would be pretty insane, with the past few weekends not being great weather. We're gonna give it a try tomorrow, leave early, and just expect to wait. What time do they actually let you in?
Colossal Curl could be outside the queue, onto the main pathway, and then some and still have less than an hour wait. The capacity on it is amazing.
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