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Dec 23, 2011
So I recently had a talk with some people about the new name tags that will be appearing in BGW April 6th. I am placing this thread in the SWPE forum because it would be most appropriately placed here for now.

So with the new name tags, they were originally planned to say "Born to [Insert Adjective/Noun]" instead of where a team member is from. Team members were given a list of pre-approved words to use and they selected them and such. From what I was told, DIsney has something very similar to this. First off, can anyone confirm Disney does something like this for me, thanks!

Now, I was told that a lot of corporate employees came from Disney and that eventually Disney will be interested in purchasing the chain of parks. Now for the reason I posted this here; does anyone have legitimate proof of either one of the following things:
1) A mass of previously Disney employees now work for SWPE in the corporate offices, or not.
2) Disney may have OR may not have any plans of hints as to seeming interested in the chain.

I am specifically asking for your opinion if DIsney purchasing SWPE may be a reality or rumor BUT also post some type of evidence or give good reason why you think the way you do.

From what my sources tell me, SWPE does have a good hand of previously Disney employees working in corporate offices, and I do believe that because it does seem pretty accurate. It seems that way to me anyway. Now as for Disney purchasing SWPE, I am not too sur of that because I think the brands conflict each other and even though if Disney really wanted them they would have already bought them.
Party Rocker said:
From what I was told, DIsney has something very similar to this. First off, can anyone confirm Disney does something like this for me, thanks!

Every Disney name tag I've seen has had the person's name & home city. I'll get a pic of one when the resident Disney cast member gets home.

The rest, I'm sorry to say, sounds like a big steaming pile of bull puckey to me.
No offense but that name tag looks a bit big and ugly compared to Busch's. I like the little phrase a the bottom, "Where dreams come true", maybe this is what they were talking about something similar but geared towards the "Born for" campaign.
I really don't like the roundness and the empty space. I do feel like the purchase idea isn't all that true, but from what I've heard from reliable sources they did get a bunch of new "buyers" at least on the corporate level so that individual parks won't have to purchase their own merchandise. And the idea that some DIsney employees could be a part of that does make sense to me.
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Party Rocker said:
No offense but that name tag looks a bit big and ugly compared to Busch's.... I really don't like the roundness and the empty space.

None taken - I didn't design it, I just took the picture for reference.

Bear in mind that TOM / BRICK, NJ doesn't take up much space... but the name tag allows for longer names & places, like DOMINIQUE / TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES, NM.
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Party Rocker said:
1) A mass of previously Disney employees now work for SWPE in the corporate offices, or not.
2) Disney may have OR may not have any plans of hints as to seeming interested in the chain.

1) Several higher end suits have moved to SEAS from DIS. Several Frontline CMs have jumped ship to leadership at SEAS. Pretty sure I have posted that here SEVERAL times.

2) Completely FALSE.
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