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Mar 26, 2011
You are now in charge of ride development at BGW. They have asked you to bring an established coaster to the park, one that already exists somewhere else, anywhere else, in the world. It's your choice, and they are relying 100% on your opinion, no questions asked.

The one catch is that you must remove one of the existing coasters in the park....

What coaster would you bring in and what coaster you remove? And please don't pick poor Grover. He ain't hurt nobody.

My choice would be remove Apollo's and bring in either Intimidator (KD version,) or Wildcat from Hershey Park.
Flight of Fear at KD, best coaster in the park. It would be a cheap coaster due to it's age, it's small, but it's also extreme.
RocketChk said:
My choice would be remove Apollo's and bring in either Intimidator (KD version,) or Wildcat from Hershey Park.

Get rid of the seventh best coaster IN THE WORLD??? I would develop FHP and add a giga that drops over the Rhine
Technically, developing FHP is a swap... Switch drachen fire with intimidator 305 or millennium force
Nessie is on it's way out. It's an old ride that is remembered better for nostalgia than its actual layout. Griffon has several more years in it and despite not being as iconic as Lochness, it's a crowd pleaser. It's more original. It's a unique experience. Thanks for the rides Lochness! I'll take El Toro please.

And I wouldn't get rid of Apollo's just yet.
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Busch would have its hands full with replace Loch. That view of the loops is what the park is known for when people hear of BGW.
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