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Apr 9, 2013
Hey new here as you can tell, but a longtime BGW passholder.

Has anyone been to the Celtic Dyne thing yet? And is it worth the $27 for a dinner & show? :huh:

You know, I keep my annual passes in the car & keep forgetting to write down the pass number so I can login to BG's website & get the pass member prices for things. So it's only $24, yeah? Yes, I think that's more than fair for an AYCE dinner & a show.

Whenever my lady & I end up with a "kid-free" day, I think we'll do it then. We have yet to see even the Celtic Fyre show because inevitably, one of the little ones always has a meltdown during the show. :mad:
I went it was kind of cool. At least the band from the show comes over and walks around, talks to you, and plays while you eat. I'm getting a little fuzzy now, but there is a photo opportunity I believe and (I think) they do a dancing demonstration. The food is not too bad either.
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