Whether or not cedar point is beneficial depends on your point of view. It’s a completely different style of amusement park under cedar fair ownership than under paramount’s. When paramount parks were designed, the cinematic themes of the rides and areas was integral to the park going experience. The rides were all themed well. The best example would be the old tomb raider ride at kings island. They took a simple topspin and made it one of the most popular rides in the park, all due to its incredible theming. Cedar fair manages its parks much different. Instead of themes, they rely on pure thrill. The rides in parks they acquire all become painfully generic in name and theme, but they either survive the rebranding because they’re thrilling enough by them self, or, in the case of tomb raider, they become boring and are removed in favor of more thrilling rides. Overall, cedar fair brings improvements to its parks from a monetary standpoint, and they are usually managed better. But, at the end of the day, the parks aren’t really better or worse for it; they’re just different.