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Nov 14, 2009
Williamsburg, VA
These really are a great deal for anyone taking the family or going with a group for a long day. $49.99 for the next few weekends then $79.99 for a month, then $99.99 for the summer.

You get the cabana, 4 QQ passes, 8 bottles of water, a fridge, a locker, and a photo. All of that would cost around $115 if purchased individually.

Here's the link:
Shafor said:
These really are a great deal for anyone taking the family or going with a group for a long day. $49.99 for the next few weekends then $79.99 for a month, then $99.99 for the summer.

You get the cabana, 4 QQ passes, 8 bottles of water, a fridge, a locker, and a photo. All of that would cost around $115 if purchased individually.

Here's the link:

Wow! I just went to the link and was unaware of this. Thanks for posting the link!
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