Okay so I know some of you have likely seen my posts in the TT forum about being walk of shamed on Twisted Timbers. (I plan on taking another crack at it soon not wearing jeans and belt to see if that'll make me a little more flexible where the bar hits). So as a point of reference I was wondering if there were other larger riders in the forum that have trouble with rides at KD. I am 6'3 313 with a 42-44" waistline and before I got over 300 pounds I had ridden every coaster in the park. If I weigh in the 275-290 range I'm generally good for most coasters in general.
Currently I can ride Intimidator 305 no problem (but let's be honest that is a difficult ride to marathon). Haven't tried Dominator in a while although I plan to check the test seat on my next visit I imagine I will be okay especially for the big boy seats but I don't believe the test seat out front is a big boy seat for some reason. I rode Dominator last in 2014 when I was in the 320s (since then I got up to 360 and then back down to 313 currently). I haven't really checked any other coaster in the park except Volcano once (couldn't ride in the 320s in 2015 checked the test seat BUT when I went in 2014 when I was in the 310s I somehow got the belt to click so I may check again but I'm not getting my hopes up. FOF I got on in 2014 BARELY. Plan on checking soon. Have never ridden Delirium can't get the stupid lights on the test seat to turn on.
How are the rest of the coasters for larger riders? Genuinely curious what everyone else's experience is and all should feel free to mention the rides I have already mentioned. Really hoping I can get on Twisted Timbers in the next month or so as seeing everyone rave about it is killing me inside after I went to the gym for a year hoping to get on when it opened.
Currently I can ride Intimidator 305 no problem (but let's be honest that is a difficult ride to marathon). Haven't tried Dominator in a while although I plan to check the test seat on my next visit I imagine I will be okay especially for the big boy seats but I don't believe the test seat out front is a big boy seat for some reason. I rode Dominator last in 2014 when I was in the 320s (since then I got up to 360 and then back down to 313 currently). I haven't really checked any other coaster in the park except Volcano once (couldn't ride in the 320s in 2015 checked the test seat BUT when I went in 2014 when I was in the 310s I somehow got the belt to click so I may check again but I'm not getting my hopes up. FOF I got on in 2014 BARELY. Plan on checking soon. Have never ridden Delirium can't get the stupid lights on the test seat to turn on.
How are the rest of the coasters for larger riders? Genuinely curious what everyone else's experience is and all should feel free to mention the rides I have already mentioned. Really hoping I can get on Twisted Timbers in the next month or so as seeing everyone rave about it is killing me inside after I went to the gym for a year hoping to get on when it opened.