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But they do have lots of beer and varied beers. I wish they would theme the beers to each country/hamlet. You hear me BG?
Thanks everyone!!! I changed the beer i drank after going to beer school at BG years ago. Taken a friend to BG next week, hoping she would take the class and come over to the other side like i did.... But no class, so i'll be hard pressed to change her....wish me luck!!
davehut74 said:
Thanks everyone!!! I changed the beer i drank after going to beer school at BG years ago. Taken a friend to BG next week, hoping she would take the class and come over to the other side like i did.... But no class, so i'll be hard pressed to change her....wish me luck!!

Just a suggestion, if you buy any of the glass bottle beers (go to pretzel shop in Germany for the biggest selection) they have to pour it in a cup. You can ask them to split it into two cups for you. I'm sure they would. You could try a few throughout the day that way just to give you a smaller size to sample.

Also, some of the stands with drafts sell small drafts vs large. Another way to get a smaller sample of a newer beer. Not the same as the beer school obviously, but it's a thought? Good luck.
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