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I'm more of a loop/intensity person myself so Alpengeist is at the top of my list of best coasters in the park, but Apollo isn't too far behind.

I love sitting toward the back for better air.

One thing that bugs me is the lift is a bit slow, but I guess that builds anticipation.
I was at the park from 4 to 8 today. Apollo was down the entire time. The lady at the entrance said it should be opening. As I was leaving, there were 3 guys climbing the staircase. I have no clue why it was down that whole time. I remember hearing that it was down last Sunday as well.
Last Sunday from what I heard it was a Station issue and not ride system. Today I do not know. I am sure one of those privvy to info can reach through sources when they read this though. Thanks for the info!
Anyway, who out there prefers the Backseat of Apollo's Chariot versus the front seat and vise-versa? I first rode it in the back on an outside seat whenI was 12 years old! Best ride of my life! :)
I always rode in front but one time the line was long so i sat in back, i like both it just depends on the line
Back makes the ride better overall because you're being thrown over the hills. I don't really like being pushed through everything because the air time isn't as present as in the back. Sure having the wind in your face is great, but it doesn't come up to the variety of forces you experience in the back.
Back row, left seat is my favorite. Especially for the third hill and fan turn on the return run.
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Unagi said:
Back row, left seat is my favorite. Especially for the third hill and fan turn on the return run.

This. The third hill is amazing in that seat. I also enjoy the whipping sensation you feel getting pulled over the first drop.
Apollogeist said:
This is tied for my favorite coaster along with alpengeist, griffon, and verbolten (at night).

You got it! When I get off Griffon, I always say, "That's my favorite!" and when I get off AC, I always say, "That's my favorite!" and when I get off Alpie, I always say ... you get the idea!

All great rides, very re-rideable, and AC vs Alpie are such different types of coasters -- AC still smooth and fast, and LONG (or at least it feels that way), Alpie just keeps turning you this way and that after that first spectacular curving drop. Griffon kinda combines the two with smooth and fast but with the loops too (just too short, but I love it).
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The air time and intense G's on Apollo's Chariot exhilarate me every time I ride it, the view is also a great addition to the experience
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