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Apr 5, 2011
I apologize for the necromancy, but I would figured this would be the best place. I'm not sure if Water Country had them before, but they're getting Animals this year. They're even getting Crocodiles.

(I figured this would be a better place for the animal stuff than the Water Country section. Mods, if it should be there then let me know.)

[Thread Split & Moved. ~Swiftman]
[TEMP] Animal Attractions

Crocodiles in the wave pool! Hippos at Hubba Hubba!

I know they've had some tropical birds before. But I don't remember seeing any marine animals.
They had some birds last year, but I think the crocodiles are new. Pretty cool.

See Mod note in 1st post.
I haven't been to Water Country in forever (despite the Platinum pass I've had for years), this will make me go just to check out the animals there and maybe catch one or two rides.

Crocs aren't marine animals. :p </reptile geek>
pandorazboxx said:
wouldn't a saltwater croc be a marine animal?

Saltwater crocodiles usually live on river banks and swamps in Southeast Asia and Australia. They do, however, have the ability to travel long distances out to sea.
Unagi is correct, they don't venture into the open ocean that often. I would also doubt that WC would be getting that species since A) they get huge and B) they are really mean, even by croc standards. I would expect either American crocs since they're easy to get or Chinese crocs for the size.
I was just saying that because you said they weren't marine animals. You didn't specify which type of croc. :p
studiopzp said:
Unagi is correct, they don't venture into the open ocean that often. I would also doubt that WC would be getting that species since A) they get huge and B) they are really mean, even by croc standards. I would expect either American crocs since they're easy to get or Chinese crocs for the size.

I doubt WC would get saltwater crocs as well.

They are the largest reptile on the planet and extremely aggressive. If they get crocs they need a species they can easily handle and transport. Especially since they couldn't keep them outside here in the winter.
I'm really hoping that with a new park president coming they may try this idea again. Hopefully his time at seaworld and aquatica will give him a stronger sense of how wonderful these animal attractions are in these parks. They really are what sets this company apart from the rest. I think the aquatica parks have shown that animals enhance water parks just as much as theme parks.
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