How many animal attractions would you like to see in the park?

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Aug 17, 2010
I know that there are not quite so many "European" animals as "African" animals out there, but it seems strange that BGW has so few animal exhibits whilst BGT has several, and is getting more. We know that SWP&E are more than capable of designing and constructing amazing, popular animal exhibits. I've also found it strange that of these few animals featured in the park, one is the bald eagle, always associated with America. This is the place for everyone to discuss all of the past, present, and future animal areas in the park and discuss what they think of them. There's also a poll about if you'd like to see more or less animals in the park and why.

P.S. If you vote more, please elaborate on what kind of animals.

Vote away and discuss!
Wow, this is a topic near and dear to my heart being that I work in this very field.

First, bring back the petting zoo. We all loved it. Kids, parents, adults, grandparents.. we all loved it. Same on BGW for taking away a part of the park that had been there since the beginning (though the first location was actually where Grimm's Hollow once stood, or for that matter, where land of the dragon's is now.)

Bring back the animals featured on the train ride. There used to be Bison and Carabou and various other animals... but Franco is right, European animals would be better. The sad part about European animals to use on exhibit is that many of the larger animals that lived in those areas are now long gone.

There was a type of Bison in Europe that went extinct in the early 1900's in Poland I think... don't quote me on that. I think it was in Poland. Then in a panic, zoo's provided captured Bison for breading and allowed the offspring to be released again... this time with strict rules. It is still endangered.

Perhaps the Ibex (wild goat).. and musk ox (also endangered). Large animals are not easy to be found in Europe due to years and years of people hunting. Sad but true. Perhaps Italy's Marsican brown bear and wild goats called mufloni.

Most countries that are found in BGW have some sort of deer too; but I never found deer all that exciting.
I think whatever BGW adds, if they were to add anything, it should be a rare animal, since Busch has that conservation spirit. I'd like an uncommon animal that also can't be found at the average zoo, to make the exhibit more unique.

When was the petting zoo taken out? I don't remember the petting zoo (though I am a wee bit younger than some of the other members on this forum) and what was it removed for? It seems like adding space for a new petting zoo wouldn't be difficult. I have certainly read an awful lot about this defunct petting zoo on these forums.

My vote is for more animal attractions, though to be honest, I'm not sure what Busch could add. Then again, I'm not a zoologist like our dear friend Nora. ;)
The petting zoo was removed for the blankity-blank Sesame Street addition. I weep.

I have a photo to warm the cockles of your heart my friends. I think I was just about 2 years old in this photo.



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So you mean to tell me that the petting zoo was removed not two years ago and I never went? :exclamation:
I do not remember the exact year it was removed, but I think it was shortly after that "Mad Cow" scare. As if anyone would get mad cow disease from poor little goats at a secure petting zoo.

The area was empty for a while and they used it for what was the name of it... mmmm... I think Salty Dog Cemetery for a while at HOS. To be honest, I am not all that familiar with Howl-O-Scream. Two things scare me... people jumping out and screaming at me and two ... a large group of people. It is way too crowded at Howl-o-scream. When I am enclosed in a very small space with hundreds of people.... my worst nightmare~~~

I basically walk through the park with my eyes covered during HOS.
Well, it'd be nice for a petting zoo comeback at BGW. Maybe someday I could take my kids there, if I ever have kids, or live in VA again. :heart:
I kinda remember the petting zoo, when I was a little kid on one of my first family outings to BGW I remember my younger sister being frightened by a goat. I also remember waiting with my Mom and sister for my dad and older brother to finish riding DrachenFire. Which is the only memory I have of the infamous Arrow.

It would be pretty neat if BGW brought back the petting zoo, it would be a great attraction for families with young kids!
Nora said:
... zoo's [sic] provided captured Bison for breading ...

Sadly, "breading" them wouldn't help ;) -- just kidding, know you meant breeding.

Since my first visit was in 1999 (I don't remember a petting zoo being there, but we went primarily to ride the brand new AC and beyond making sure we rode all the coasters we didn't necessarily take in everything) I don't have fond memories of a petting zoo, so that isn't necessarily my first choice, but I do think animals should have more of a presence at BGW. And the thing is, they already do have more animals than are regularly on exhibit. I know they use them for educational programs and presentations, but animals like the sloth and the fox that are only occasionally out in the area by Lorikeet Glen -- it would be nice to have them on more regular display, and also to have a published schedule of when particular animals will be out. Of course there would have to be caveats that a particular animal could never be absolutely guaranteed to be out due to illness, behavior issue, etc. but it would be nice if you could reasonably predict that you'd see, say, the sloth on certain days or the wallaroo on others.

I've really wanted to see the young fox they got this spring but haven't caught it on display yet and of course no one can tell me when it may be out, staff only say to check what's out next to the lorikeets.

So I think they could utilize what they already have by getting some of the "backstage" animals out in the park more, and a great step in that direction is the barn owl in the Highland Stables. But in addition I would certainly enjoy more permanent animal exhibits. The fields just beyond Italy on the train ride do seem like they could be used for some more European animals, like Nora suggested, and I wouldn't think other hooved species would be too difficult to have in proximity to the horses and sheep, e.g.
It just seems to me that Busch has a lot of land here and there that would be perfect for animal exhibits.
BBW said:
Nora said:
... zoo's [sic] provided captured Bison for breading ...

Sadly, "breading" them wouldn't help ;) -- just kidding, know you meant breeding.

Hey I cannot help it when I post late at night and I am running on fumes. The spell check sometimes messes me up and if I am not awake enough to "see the forest through the trees" when I glance over what I wrote, I cannot be held accountable. Although I have had breaded Bison Burgers in Wyoming once.. mmmm..Bison.

Last night I was writing LoveDoc and I was so insanely tired that I wrote "climbing up the latter" instead of ladder. Same thing.. spell check can be the devil late at night and as my eyesight falls further and further down the spiral of dysfunction. The correction looks about right unless I squint really hard at the screen. This squinting-over-editing thing requires too much energy past midnight and thus you will have to settle with mediocre writing skills.

I feel like a complete moron when that happens, but no one's perfect. :-/
I feel like a complete moron when that happens, but no one's perfect.

That's all right, Nora, it happens to the best of us. Spell check can't help us with those issues, unfortunately.

The fields just beyond Italy on the train ride do seem like they could be used for some more European animals, like Nora suggested, and I wouldn't think other hooved species would be too difficult to have in proximity to the horses and sheep

Sounds like a good idea to me.
I have been trying and trying to remember the petting zoo, but can't. The first time I went was in '85 with my high school band on the way to DC. I pretty much blocked most of that trip because of things that happened.

But anyway... I think it would be great to have more animals. They are so big on conservation. The wolves are very popular and I love what they've done with Wolf Valley. To be honest, I think they need to change up Pet Shenanigans. Perhaps they should have a raptor show to feature the birds they usually just show off for a little while up at the top of the hill.
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