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Jul 22, 2014
Virginia Tech
Kings Dominion's additions have been quite predictable since the 2011 season, but 2016 isn't quite as obvious as of yet... It's only the beginning of June and we have approximately 80+ days before an announcement, but I was curious what you all realistically believe will happen in 2016.

One addition that I could see coming is an up-charge SlingShot. Cedar Point received one in 2014 and both Canada's Wonderland and Carowinds got one in 2015. Kings Island already has one that still does very well after many years. They are very popular, more so than SkyCoasters I would argue.

A coaster could also very well be on the chopping block. With Cedar Point removing 2 coasters, Kings Island removing Son of Beast, Canada's Wonderland removing SkyRider, and Carowinds (more than likely) removing Thunder Road Cedar Fair has proved that they actually meant that they want to "remove one or two coasters from the parks". With Anaconda getting 40th Celebration improvements I'd say it's safe (unfortunately), so I'd narrow that down to Hurler and Shockwave like the majority of everyone else. The Shockwave rumor is spinning around so maybe it is actually its finally season. A smaller-medium sized B&M or good-sized family coaster could fit on Shockwave's spot, especially if they use space around the lot.

Finally, I'm pretty sure it has been stated that there are no Triotech rides for Cedar Fair in the making for 2016 and that they will begin rolling out into "all of the parks" in 2017.

With no rides being added on the dry-side of the park since 2013 (2012 if you're not into kiddie rides), I'd expect something is coming Kings Dominion's way. Thoughts?
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Is there any hard and fast Theme Park rule that states "When a coaster is removed, the coaster site must be used for another coaster."?

Out of the 3 Togo Standup coasters, in the old KECO park chain, KD's ShockWave was the shortest in track length. This was due to having the least amount of space to work with.

I don't think the park will put another complete major coaster on that site. The site could be used for part of a major coaster running through that area; but, I see that site more likely being used for adding a couple flat rides.

Course that depends if ShockWave is actually on its way out after this season.

I think it is humorous that so many folks, on so many web sites, are getting antsy with the lack of a coaster addition at Kings Dominion. Yet, one of the more frequent negative comments about the park is that it is "an asphalt coaster park".

Overall, it appears that Cedar Fair is still focusing on those parks that need to be "up sized" to better meet the size of the population of the region it is located in. Leading the pack is Carowinds, CA's Great America relationship with the 49'ers, and Valley Fair looking at a potential new separate water park entrance and infrastructure improvements.

Carowinds accelerated park changes/additions/deletions should wrap up in 2016 with (a) water related attraction(s) being added. Thunder Road being removed (in full or in part) due the above.

In addition, Canada's Wonderland has land prep work going on and Cedar Point has all that cleared land that could be for a 2016 attraction (CP hinted at a new 2016 attraction).

So where does that leave KD for 2016? I just don't know.

1) New coaster? I would have thought that marker/stakes would be showing up at least in the next couple weeks. Unless this coaster is going on completely undeveloped land. If not, then its looks like 2017 after all.

2) New Flat Ride(s) being added. (With or Without ShockWave being removed).

3) News report quoted Matt Quimet stating no Dark ride currently in the works. So, no Cedar Fair park is apparently getting one for 2016.

4) Possible phase II of Soak City expansion? Most of the budget seemed focused on infrastructure within the water park. Could we be getting a couple more slide towers for 2016?

5) Remodeled front entrance?

5) Another off year for 2016? Just general park improvements.

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Not necessarily, but if Shockwave were to be removed it would take quite a bit more than one flat ride to fill its footprint, even with it being the most compact 'adult' coaster in the park. With so many nods to the past these last 2 seasons, it'd be interesting if and when Shockwave is removed they replace it with a coaster named 'Galaxi'.

One other 'trend' that has been happening the past two seasons across KD's sister parks that I would like to see happen here is the removal of Thunder Raceway. Kings Island removed theirs after 2012 and Carowinds removed theirs after 2013. Of course, both of these were removed to make way for Banshee and Fury 325.

From what I've noticed, Thunder Raceway at Kings Dominion has lost some popularity over the years as this is its 10th season in the park. With the removal of Thunder Raceway it would open the area for 1 of 2 things: a good sized flat ride or a coaster entry plaza/station that could go back into the woods. Also, with the removal of Thunder Raceway it would allow Grizzly to finally have the separate entrance it deserves once again.

Edit: I forgot to mention that ValleyFair got rid of their go-karts after the 2013 season.
Hokie305 said:
One addition that I could see coming is an up-charge SlingShot. Cedar Point received one in 2014 and both Canada's Wonderland and Carowinds got one in 2015. Kings Island already has one that still does very well after many years. They are very popular, more so than SkyCoasters I would argue.

God no. Please. No. KD doesn't need more upcharge attractions.
Didn't necessarily say I would want to see it, but could definitely see it coming to the park based on Cedar Fair trends at the moment.

However, I would gladly swap up-charge attractions. I'd take a SlingShot over both Dinosaurs Alive and Thunder Raceway. At least I would consider riding SlingShot as they're quite a thrill.
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So, we are not seeing a coaster for 2016. But a flat or dark ride of some sort. Just want to clarify.
I think that 2016 will be another year for flats or slingshot because any size coaster takes months to build and get working. This means(unless they are going to building one on unused property) we would have seen marks and an attraction would already be in the process of removal.
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Not necessarily - the only reason Intimidator 305 construction began so early was because of the amount of land clearing/water control that had to be done as well as it being such a new design (the Intamin arch lift).

Think back to the construction of GateKeeper at Cedar Point. Disaster Transport didn't close down until 7/29/12 and footers weren't even being poured by Labor Day. Northern Ohio also has much worse winters than Virginia does too.

Also, if a coaster is replacing an attraction in the park they would want to keep the ride open as long as possible through the peak summer season and to keep construction in the park limited to a certain time frame since it isn't the most appealing thing to look at. Also, the shorter construction time = less money.

I'm not saying I expect the park to get a coaster in 2016 (although I do believe it is time), but there is plenty of time before we should rule one out. 2016 is Cedar Point's big year and they haven't seen one bulldozer on site yet.
TrevorBondi said:
^Do ya have any sources for claiming we will see a dark ride/flat? Mark Ouimet already said no CF park was getting a triotech in 2016.
I never said we were getting one, I was just naming a ride.
Shane said:
I could see some new flats but no Cedar Fair park is getting a Dark Ride next year.

This, I recall hearing somewhere that 2016 is Triotech Amusement's "off" year, but they will be doing multiple installments at a time between 2017 and 2020.
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If it's not a coaster, I'm hoping for a thrilling flat ride(s). It's been since 2012 without a new dry thrilling ride (if you count Windseeker as thrilling).

I'd also like to see an area spruced up with the flat similar to what was done with the Gemini midway at Cedar Point and Route 76 at ValleyFair when their Disk-O coasters were installed.

Also, I checked the Hanover County Building Permits filed in May and nothing large was filed for Kings Dominion so don't expect any construction to start in June.
Ooooo, I hadn't paid attention to the Disk'O coasters that Cedar Fair has been installing. I could totally see one of those at KD- and there are plenty of spaces for one.
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^ Definitely something I've been thinking about if it's going to be a lighter year before a coaster in 2017. They are great flat rides for the whole family. The only thing I could see holding the park back on an investment like this is Lucy's Tugboats in Planet Snoopy since it's basically just a miniature version of the Disk'o coasters.

However, with two different models they could go with the more thrilling one for Kings Dominion that has the seats facing the outside. These are an absolute blast. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about here's a link:

These rides can also be themed very well, too. Although it was a Paramount addition, look up Survivor/Tiki Twirl at California's Great America. That would fit in perfect in Safari Village. However, if one of these does come Kings Dominion's way I'd imagine it going in Candy Apple Grove.
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Zamperla made multiple kiddie rides added to kings dominion in 2013. This means that kd could have a deal with them.
As John posted in the Shockwave thread, I also heard rumors going around that Shockwave is on its way out making way for something eventually and a Slingshot is heading this way. Although very predictable, I wouldn't start a #SaveShockwave trend yet as I'll believe it once there are more rumblings. But then again, nobody should want to save Shockwave.

Also, I doubt this is for 2016... but worth mentioning - the gravel lot that Intimidator 305's track/supports were held in (furthest east of parking lot), was being "raked" with an additional two cars parked and individuals chatting next to the lot. The lot could have been raked to prepare for heavier crowds now that the main summer season is in full swing.
Hokie305 said:
As John posted in the Shockwave thread, I also heard rumors going around that Shockwave is on its way out making way for something eventually and a Slingshot is heading this way. Although very predictable, I wouldn't start a #SaveShockwave trend yet as I'll believe it once there are more rumblings. But then again, nobody should want to save Shockwave.

Also, I doubt this is for 2016... but worth mentioning - the gravel lot that Intimidator 305's track/supports were held in (furthest east of parking lot), was being "raked" with an additional two cars parked and individuals chatting next to the lot. The lot could have been raked to prepare for heavier crowds now that the main summer season is in full swing.

Ding ... Ding ... Ding ! We have a winna!

I think KD is sprucing up the overflow lot because of the upcoming Kings Fest concerts this Thursday through Saturday. Also, bring a friend Sunday on the 28th for $18. Next week is leading to the 4th of July weekend and Military Days. I expect heavy crowds over the next 2-3 weeks; especially the weekends.
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