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Sep 23, 2009
Screamscape is reporting that the Pretzel Coaster Contest is returning to BGW again this year. Anyone plan on participating? I am.

Last year, both my team and Fur Dozy competed (though neither of us made it to the finals). Here are our pictures from last year. This year, my team is going back, and you can expect a much better coaster.

Hey, Fur Dozy, if you want to join in, we have an open spot...
I found out about it last year the day before.... lets just say mine was...... basic
I wouldn't take this very seriously. I know exactly what they're looking at and I'm not so sure that it's all that confirmed. click this link and scroll:

In other words, wait till they announce the details.
I'm not heating up my glue gun or chopping any pretzels yet because I saw the same thing. I began planning in December though.
I haven't even thaught if I am going to do it again

if you do win, and get the passes, can you like add onto your pass or do they have to be the two years? I didnt know how to ask that question so if it is confusing I understand.
yeah, which one are you calling Drachen? I'm guessing you're talking about mine because mine is better than swift's ;)
You're layout was better than mine, but my trackwork and detail was clearly much better. ;) That's why, if I think we should team up this year.
you'd have to find a way to get to my place tho. When I say huge, I mean huge, I'm pulling out ALL the stops...

P.S. I just enjoy do projects like this. Well, if you call 25 foot tall trebuchets "projects like this." Either way, I just do it for fun.
I forgot to mention that it's now official:

Entries are due June 3rd.
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