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Sep 23, 2009
Like I said recently on Twitter, I'm working on a new (secret) project. I'm not quite ready to let everyone in on what the project is, but I know everyone likes hints, so I'll give some every once in a while.
RE: 2010 Secret Project

Here's the first hint:
RE: 2010 Secret Project

really, a 2010 project just like Busch Gardens? wow I should have seen this coming, a secret project that you give clues. It is just like copying BG but nothing wrong with that. So my guess is something to do with time and how fast it is.
RE: 2010 Secret Project

No wait! A Flyer?? I am confused. It is a project you are working on - for what, the website? Like a time lapse video of something being built?

ARGHHH I hate mysteries, because I can never let it go until it is solved. Grrrrr Chris. And here I have the season premiere of Lost next Wednesday!
RE: 2010 Secret Project

It's definitely for the site and something that everyone here will hopefully enjoy.
RE: 2010 Secret Project

'hopefully enjoy' sounds like you must be working hard and your not sure if it is good enough for the site. Oh well I'm pretty sure anything related to a time lapse has gotta be good. :)
RE: 2010 Secret Project

What are you going to do, stake out a spot in BGW and do an all-day typing of that one spot and make a time lapse video? There is always the other possibility that you are using my idea to throw out unrelated hints just to throw everyone off...
RE: 2010 Secret Project

Not helping...

Details about the picture:
Taken on 7/29/2009 at 11:25 AM
Taken on an Apple iPhone

This info help anyone?
RE: 2010 Secret Project

Nora said:
No wait! A Flyer?? I am confused. It is a project you are working on - for what, the website? Like a time lapse video of something being built?

ARGHHH I hate mysteries, because I can never let it go until it is solved. Grrrrr Chris. And here I have the season premiere of Lost next Wednesday!

its this Tuesday, and yes, I am a Lost nerd. I know its stupid but they know how to keep you watching after you get started.
RE: 2010 Secret Project

Your creating a time lapse video of tilt-shift photos of Busch Gardens Attractions?
RE: 2010 Secret Project

So it is a big project... Is it something unique? (As in, has it been done before.)
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