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Wow this blows my mind. How'd you get your hands on something like that? I'm curious whats inside the brochure. Wouldn't open it but if someone had an already open one...
Swiftman said:
Thanks for the pictures! Anything on the back of the map?

Nope, blank.

Shane said:
Wow this blows my mind. How'd you get your hands on something like that? I'm curious whats inside the brochure. Wouldn't open it but if someone had an already open one...

I bought it from a park employee whose husband worked there at the time. As for the inside, it just appears to be artwork similar to the graphics on the map. As far as I can see into anyway.
Great stuff. Is there anyone on the forums that was there for the opening? My first visit wasn't until about '86 or so.
I was 15 years old at the time and my older sister worked there at the Tournament table in Hastings. I remember how it was back then, things have sure have changed over the years.

Eric M
Shafor said:
Zoomy said:
Is there anyone on the forums that was there for the opening?

The real question is: How many people on the forums were born before the opening? :p (BTW, I was 3)

Not Me. But I would have loved to see opening day. By the way take a look at the ticket price... 13.50! Wow!
Shafor said:
Zachary said:
We know, we know. You have the single greatest piece of memorabilia in existence. :p

I just like to remind everyone once a year or so. ;)

I've been looking for a copy of the original map for years. I've got what i think is a copy of one, but thats not the same thing. You lucky dog.
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