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So...Dino's now gone per their twitter post. Someone commented, I have to find it, that she talked to a "manager" of the park and they stated that rides can't go back there because the land is protected. Um. But they can install 20 foot fake dinosaurs? Plow through walkways with concrete and have people walk through there? What's the difference of just having concrete pilings and having the existing vegetation be gently integrated in? Can anyone shed light?
So...Dino's now gone per their twitter post. Someone commented, I have to find it, that she talked to a "manager" of the park and they stated that rides can't go back there because the land is protected. Um. But they can install 20 foot fake dinosaurs? Plow through walkways with concrete and have people walk through there? What's the difference of just having concrete pilings and having the existing vegetation be gently integrated in? Can anyone shed light?
A lot of it depends on what is protected. One possiblity is it's a protected nesting area for birds. That requires the most if which would have been left ss is for Dinos. There are also other wildlife protection that a ride would interfere with that the gentle path and layout of Dinos didn't. There is also the possibility that it's not actually protected perse but that it set a side green space for a tax break again ground level paths and other small changes would fit the criteria for that.
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