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Not saying they will or should, but if they knock down the old ticket booths I'm guessing they can also repurpose, reconfigure, or upgrade the existing utilities in the area. It's also quite possible the infrastructure is already available in the area with a little bit of renovation work to surface it.
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They possibly could also do something with the tram stop that takes care of the Scotland and Bavaria lots.

Adding a few more, and new self serve kiosk machines to replace the old ones would be a big help. The only nice thing about the current Zone B machines is you can clearly see the entire section of the machines and how crowded they are when you get off at the main tram stop. Renovating and reusing the existing booths could be done. Something that could work is keeping the exiting queue line and then put up a light that turns green (like Walmart has done) to show that the booth/machine is open and the next person in line goes to that booth. And like was mentioned a reconfiguration of the area would improve traffic flow.
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